By contracting out your dental billing you can increase your practice’s profitability.
We are a dental billing service provider who can take care of all your dental billing requirements with ease. We have skilled and certified medical billing experts who have the experience and key skills to work with the latest medical billing processes and technologies.
We offer Key Dental Services:
Insurance Verification
We ensure all the details submitted by the client are categorically correct which helps with reducing denials and insurance rejections.
Patient Demographics Entry
Our expert team will create and maintain accurate demographic service files which includes critical patient details such as contact info & insurance provider details etc.
Coding Services
Our highly skilled and experienced medical coders accurately provide CPT and ICD-10 dental billing and coding services for your dental practice. We ensure that we minimise risk of claims being rejected.
Billing Charge Entry
Our highly trained professional team check all charge entries ensuring payments and costs are accurate before submission.
Claims Submission
We have streamlined processes in place ensuring that all your claims are submitted in timely manner safeguarding against disruptions to cashflow.
Accounts Receivable Follow-up
The lack of AR follow-up results in many clients not getting paid for the dental services they have rendered. We follow up on all Accounts Receivable payments ensuring they are received on time.
Payment Posting
The billing cycle’s last phase is payment posting. By accurately posting and reconciling payments at the end of each month, our payment posting team optimises your RCM cycle. Effective posting can significantly boost your income. We are also track cashflow.
Denial Analysis
Denials will be handled by our expert staff in the most efficient way possible who understand ANSI denial codes. We will examine each denial and pinpoint the major factors that led to its rejection. In order to expedite the reimbursements for denials we update the inaccurate data and supply the necessary details are appropriately routed.
How Can We Help?
We provide a range of services to help you improve your practise management and dental billing procedures, including:
Billing services for patients
Give up the stress and your practise management and team’s stability will both improve.
• Obtain consistent and timely payment
• Recover all money owed to your practise.
• Daily processing of billing statements
• Improve dental insurance claims while reducing mistakes
• Reduce unpaid insurance claims
• Utilize interactive reports to monitor your progress.